Puzzle Me Silly!


Word Search Maker

For Short Puzzle 8

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1    Mr. Roosevelt, for short
6    Assasinated Pres.
9    Object
13    Stadium
14    Chicken house
15    6th month (Jewish calendar)
16    Walnut's cousin
17    Mr. Downs of 60 minutes
18    North Atlantic Treaty Organization, for short
19    Old __ (US flag)
21    These cover tennis courts
22    Skip
26    Possess
27    What's owed
28    Legal expert
30    Reverent
32    Captured soldier
35    Sphere
36    Mr. Johnson, for short
37    Festival
38    What your magazine wanted
42    "__ Harvest;" granola bar brand
44    Avails
45    Acquire
47    Antlered animal
48    Sleeping place
49    House pets
50    Overdue
53    Another Roosevelt, for short
54    Referee, for short
56    Monetary unit
57    Thailand citizens
60    Licorice flavoring
62    Snaky fish
63    Time periods
64    Old wounds
69    Waistband
70    Christmas meats
71    Mounds
72    Helen of __
73    Federal Bureau of Investigation, for short
74    Unknowing


1    Strike lightly
2    Before, poetically
3    Christmas month, for short
4    Deoxyribonucleic acid, for short
5    Yin's partner
6    Diary
7    "Old __"
8    Kilometers per hour, for short
9    Long, skinny boat
10    First man
11    Appraise
12    Experts, for short
14    "Puppy __," dog food
20    Piece of property
21    Misfire
22    Infamous football player, or morning drink
23    Greek "M"
24    Took the wrinkles out
25    Wheel coverings
27    __ vu
29    South by west, for short
31    West by north, for short
32    Margarine brand
33    Roberto's yes
34    Had been
37    Drinks quickly
38    Massage
39    East southeast, for short
40    Seaweed substance
41    Allow
43    Decade
46    Large tidal wave
49    Music disks, for short
50    United Parcel Service, for short
51    Ceasar's 49
52    Famous British princess, for short
53    Questionable
55    Young woman's title
57    Quiz
58    Judge
59    As well as
60    Middle East dweller
61    Sports channel
63    Extremely high frequency, for short
65    Central Intelligence Agency, for short
66    Boxer Muhammad
67    Reverend, for short
68    South southeast, for short

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